ELSA and Magna Life Settlements: Magna to be Represented at European Life Settlement Association

The European Life Settlement Association (ELSA) will be holding its Autumn Symposium on Tuesday, November 29. The conference is being held at the Earlsfort center in Dublin, Ireland, and will provide an important opportunity for decision makers in the Life Settlement Industry to meet and discuss issues affecting the Senior Life Settlement market.
ELSA’s focus is on the promotion of best practice and the positive development of the life settlement industry’s reputation amongst life risk and capital market participants and stakeholders.
The Managing Director of Vida Capital Sàrl, Brandon Wright, will be speaking along with three others about the Tax and Regulatory Update from Ireland, Luxembourg, and the US.
Brandon’s industry experiences uniquely qualify him to give this update.
His extensive background includes:
- Managing Director of Vida Capital Sàrl based in Luxembourg since 2011.
- Assisted in managing $3.1 billion in multi-family tax credit equity investments with capitalized development costs in excess of $7.3 billion.
- Formerly a private lending officer focusing on bridge and mezzanine lending across all asset classes of commercial real estate.
- B.A. from The University of Texas at Austin.
You won’t want to miss Brandon speak!
The speakers for this year’s Symposium include:
Magna Life Settlements Overview
Key Note Speech
- Maurizio Pastore
Tax and Regulatory Update from Ireland, Luxembourg, and the US
- Yves Lacroix
- Miriam Martinez
- Aiden Small
- Brandon Wright
Medical Underwriting and Valuation in the Life Settlements Market
- Jiahua Xu
Industry Standards
- Simon Erritt
Life Settlements/Structured settlements/UK Secondary Annuities
- Andrew Luack
- Alex Taylor
- Scott Willkomm