
retirement life settlement

How to Handle Rising Health Care Costs when Retirement Planning

The cost of long-term care and general healthcare costs are higher than they have ever been, and the increase doesn’t appear to be slowing anytime soon. Medicare covers only a portion of healthcare costs in retirement, leaving you on the hook for what will likely be a significant chunk. See How Much Your Policy May Read more >>

life insurance

What Are The Different Types Of Life Insurance?

If you will have debts to pay off or loved ones to care for if something happens to you, then you probably need to carry some form of life insurance. Life insurance is a legal contract between the policy owner, the insured (who is also often the policy owner), the insurance carrier and the beneficiary. Read more >>

Law written out in Scrabble tiles

Have You Heard About Grigsby V. Russell?

We often cite the US Supreme Court case of Grigsby v. Russell as one of the central tenets of the life settlement industry.  It is invoked whenever anyone questions the seemingly peculiar idea of selling a life insurance policy.  It is the fundamental reason we are able to help people realize the benefit of an Read more >>

modified endowment contract

MEC – What is a Modified Endowment Contract

A modified endowment contract (MEC) is the federal government’s classification for a life insurance contract whose premiums have surpassed legislated limits. MECs can have useful tax implications for estate planning, but they can also present a pitfall for life insurance policyholders who find themselves inadvertently holding one. Thus, it is imperative for anyone paying life Read more >>

How to Pick a Life Settlement Provider

Picking A Life Settlement Provider

In this era of Uber, crowdsourcing and customized television streaming, many seniors are also opting to eliminate the middleman for certain big financial decisions. A relationship with a trusted advisor can be incredibly valuable, but consumers who are considering a life settlement might save money and time by arranging the sale of their insurance policy Read more >>

Magna Life Settlements - Life Settlements

Long Term Care Insurance [LITC] Options and Overview

If you live in the United States today, odds are you will need long term care at some point. The cost of total long term care is rising each year. Long term care insurance (LTCI) is a type of insurance designed to help you pay for long term care needs. Nursing homes, living facility, medical Read more >>

life settlement

Cashing In Your Life Insurance Policy

If your bills are piling up on you and you need to get your hands on some cash immediately, then cashing in your life insurance policy may be an option. This would generally only work with some form of cash value policy, such as a whole life or universal life policy or even a variable Read more >>

In-force illustration - Magna Life Settlements

What Is An Inforce Illustration?

An inforce illustration projects the current costs of your life insurance policy from lapsing. Every year more seniors realize the benefit of exploring a life settlement to get an immediate benefit from an unneeded life insurance policy. As settlements become a more popular option, consumers are realizing that they can investigate and enter into life Read more >>

texas life insurance bill transparency

Life Insurance Company Transparency [New Texas Bill]

Newest Texas Bill Passed Requires More Transparency From Life Insurance Companies Life insurance consumers and each Life Insurance Company may be better informed of changes in their premiums if a bill passed unanimously by the Texas House of Representatives this spring becomes law. Texas House Bill 207 sets new disclosure standards for certain types of Read more >>

Gibson Clay webN 150x150 - How A Life Settlement Impacted My Family

How A Life Settlement Impacted My Family

Years before he joined the life settlement industry, Magna’s Senior Vice President Clay Gibson was impacted by his grandfather’s decision to sell his life insurance policy. In a personal essay, Clay shares how his grandfather’s life settlement made an impact on his family. “My grandfather was in his late ‘70s in 2002 and even though Read more >>

See How Much Your Policy May Be Worth